Page 23 - Leisure Living Magazine July 2017
P. 23
Are You Getting Enough
Good Sleep?
By Theresa Bowen, Ph.D., Email -
The National Institute on Aging reports that Alzheimer’s disease changes a person’s sleeping habits. Some sleep too much and others do not sleep enough. Sleep issues are a well-document- ed side effect of Alzheimer’s disease. The person with Alzheimer’s isn’t the only one losing sleep; it also has an effect on caregivers by leaving them exhausted for the next day’s challenges. If you are a caregiver it is recommended that you provide a floor that is clear of items, medicines are put away, a gate is secured in front of any stairs or steps, and grab bars are available in the bathroom for your loved one. As much as possible keep your loved one active throughout the day and stick to a night-time schedule.
A good night’s sleep is important to older adults because it helps improve memory forma- tion and repair any cell damage. It also refreshes your immune system. Older adults need about the same amount of sleep as younger adults which is around 7 to 9 hours a night. There are many things you can do to get a good night’s sleep according to the NIA: try to go to sleep and get up the at same time every day. Develop a bedtime routine and relax before you go to bed. A warm bath or reading a book might help. Eating large meals, drinking caffeinated beverages or even al- cohol can disrupt your sleep. The blue light from computers, cell phones, and televisions in the bedroom may also make it difficult to fall asleep. Melatonin is naturally controlled by light and helps you regulate your sleep-wake time. Your brain discharges more melatonin when it is dark and less when it is light out. At night it is helpful if your bedroom is dark and at a cooler temperature to help you fall asleep.
The NIA offers several other tips for getting a good night’s sleep such as: using your bedroom only for sleeping and not as a home office, after turning off the lights give yourself about 20 min- utes to fall asleep. If you can’t fall asleep after 20 minutes get back up until you become sleepy. Some people find that relaxing your body start- ing with your toes, feet, ankles and then the rest of your body may help you to fall asleep before
you reach the top of your head. Exercising during the day always helps you sleep better. Even a short 10 minute walk can be very beneficial. If you are still having problems sleeping after several weeks it is time to talk to your doctor about adding oth- er changes to your sleep routine. Some of these strategies may help you plan your loved one’s sleep routine and yourself as a caregiver.
A recent study showed that disrupted sleep may be a precursor to early Alzheimer’s disease according to Washington School of Medicine (2017) as reported by the National Sleep Foun- dation. This finding endorses other studies that showed a link between sleep loss and brain plaques. Sleep disorders are common in patients who have Alzheimer’s disease and participants of the study who had preclinical Alzheimer’s disease had 80% poorer sleep efficiency than people with- out symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Dr. Ju and her col- leagues are following up with studies in younger participants that have sleep loss to determine “if sleep loss leads to Alzheimer’s or if Alzheimer’s drives sleep loss”?
For more information on Sleep and Aging visit this web site is from the National Institute of Health and con- tains health and wellness information for older adults. You can even click on a button to make the print larger if needed.
Theresa Bowen, Ph.D. is an Educational Consultant and Dis- tance Education professor. She conducts technical training for com- munity colleges, universities, and small businesses. Dr. Bowen earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Toledo, OH. When she isn’t glued to a computer she enjoys playing piano, making videos, and painting.
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July 2017 LeisureLiving | 23

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